Workforce Employment Solutions Ltd is committed to ensuring that our staff and any workers we supply (directly or indirectly) are not subject to behaviour or threats that may amount to modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, and similar human rights abuses.
Modern slavery is an unquestionable and indefensible violation of an individual’s basic human rights. We recognise that as a commercial organisation, we have a moral and social responsibility to take a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery in all forms.
We are committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our corporate activities, and to ensuring, as far as we are able, that our supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.
We are also committed to ensuring there is transparency in our own business and in our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chains, consistent with our disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We all have a responsibly to be alert to the risks, however small, in our business and in the wider supply chain.
Workforce Employment Solutions Ltd specialise in providing temporary and permanent workers to the Healthcare Industry.
This statement sets out Workforce Employment Solutions Ltd’s actions to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to the business and to ensure steps are maintained to prevent slavery and human trafficking.
In order to assess the risk of modern slavery, we use the following processes:
After due consideration, we have not identified any significant risks of modern slavery, forced labour, or human trafficking in our supply chain. However, we continue to be alert to the potential for problems.
To maintain awareness and ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business our Modern Slavery Policy is available in our Employee Handbook.
We also provide training to relevant members of staff and this has been incorporated into our induction programme.
We operate additional policies that assist our approach to the identification of modern slavery risks and steps to be taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our operations:
Whistleblowing Policy – we encourage all our employees, to report any concerns relating to unlawful conduct, malpractice, dangers to the public or the environment, and any other matter of a serious nature. The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) is specifically mentioned within this policy which is published in the Company handbook.
Quality and Sustainability Agreement – we are committed to ensuring that our suppliers adhere to the highest standards of ethics. Suppliers are required to declare that they provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and act ethically and within the law in their use of labour. Serious violations of the Company’s Quality and Sustainability Agreement will lead to the termination of the business relationship.
Business Ethics Policy – our policy sets out the core values which we expect to be observed throughout the Company. The policy specifically mentions the Act and is published in the Company handbook.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Workforce Employment Solutions Ltd’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2022. It has been approved by the Board of Directors, who will review and update it annually.