Enhancing your Brand for Proper Engagement with Top Candidates

Jan 17, 2019
Paul Johnson

The recruitment economy has never been this candidate-centered. There is a shift in focus from organizations to the candidates. And top healthcare candidates are known to have several options at their beck and calls when it comes to employers and which organization to join in the next phase of their career.

Candidates have the chance of researching about your organization, the experience of employees in your organization, and other necessary reviews regarding your recruitment process on your websites, career sites, and social media platforms. The truth is a lot of job seekers conduct thorough research on your brand before they apply to your job opening.

As you can see, what a candidate thinks about your brand goes a long way to impact the interaction they have with your organization. How you brand your organization is an essential recruiting resource.

Here are some tips on enhancing your brand in 2020 for better engagements with candidates.

  1. Conduct an employer brand audit

An employer brand audit helps you understand how your brand can stand out among its competitors. This makes you see the distinguishing factors that separate you from others in your verticals. It also provides correct background information on where you should start your journey and the strategy to integrate. A brand audit is essential before developing your employer brand. Some of the important questions to ask include:

  • Why should anyone want to work with your organization?
  • What opinions and perceptions do people employees and potential candidates hold about your organization?
  • How many of your employees would recommend your company as an enabling environment for career growth?
  1. Set the tone for your brand strategy

Though candidates are the job seekers, they still get selective on whom to work with. And this is because an employer determines a lot about the life of an employee. Therefore, candidates will prefer to choose an organization whose mission and vision mirror everything they desire in their career growth and development.

Wherefore, if you set the tone of your brand strategy and make it relatable, you are making it easier for candidates to choose. Your brand strategy should include:

  • Differentiators: this contains a list of unique qualities and benefits that make you the best health organization for the candidates.
  • Value Proposition: This is a list of advantages in terms of positions and connections the employees in your organization have over other employees in other organizations.
  • Promotional Plan: this is a workable plan showing how the candidates benefit from the value propositions. It would be best if you detailed each tactic and means operation practically.
  1. Target the healthcare audience

In promoting your brand’s strategy, you need to focus on the right persons. A proper brand’s plan aims to promote your work to the healthcare workforce to engage and interact with the best talents. Below are some tips to boost your work to the right audience:

  • Share videos and pictures of your workplace
  • Integrate relevant social platforms into your strategy to display your workplace
  • Use popular career sites for promoting your organization.
  • Build a user-friendly and responsive website for your brand
  • Post reviews and feedbacks from your past and current employees regularly